Although the three works are separated by almost three centuries, they are united by a common story told in the space of Kraków’s Cricoteka. It is a tale of war and destruction, of nothingness and death, of love and longing. A story of melancholy and community. Let’s start with Marcello’s “Cassandra”: the Baroque cantata for alto and basso continuo, based on excerpts from Homer’s Iliad and Euripides’ dramas, tells the story of the Trojan war through a few short settings. Next, Sciarrino’s “Vanitas” is immersed in the pure beauty of music and silence, telling the story of insignificance, passing, nothingness. Finally, Lang’s “Just” is a choral song based on selected passages from the Song of Songs, musing on the differences between you and I, coming together in the act of love. Two years ago I wrote that after centuries of wars waged by men for men’s causes, and after centuries of ignoring women’s caution and warnings, it is time to start fixing this broken world by looking at it purely through the feminine lens. Today, women’s perspective is more important than ever. Cassandra. Woman. She. Let us listen to what they have to say; to sing. Tomasz Cyz
Benedetto Marcello Cassandra 1727
Salvatore Sciarrino Vanitas 1981
David Lang Just 2014
Tomasz Cyz – director
Katarzyna Łuszczyk – lighting
Natalia Kitamikado – stage design/costume design
Alicja Czyczel – choreography
William Towers – alto
Anton Hryniewicz – bass
Marcin Świątkiewicz – harpsichord
Magdalena Łukawska – soprano
Katarzyna Guran – soprano
Joanna Stawarska – soprano
Zuzanna Hwang – soprano
Dorota Dwojak-Tlałka – alto
Agata Flondro – alto
Aneta Dumanowska – viola
Konrad Górka – cello
Rafał Tyliba – percussion
Natalia Kawałek – mezzo-soprano
Marek Bracha – piano
Michał Pepol – cello
The show will be available only on www.playkrakow.com. We will provide ticket information soon.