
TransStar Europe network meeting in Krakow

Between the 16th and the 18th of January, a meeting of the TransStar Europe network – an international project aimed at the promotion of translations and literature – will take place in Krakow. Some of the events are dedicated only to the project’s participants, and some – including the Thursday meeting at Villa Decius with writer Yoko Tawada, author of the famous book Flying Soul, who writes in Japanese and German, and the Friday concert, Poetry for Pop Music Lovers, at Alchemia, featuring artists from Berlin: Ulrike Almut Sandig and Marlen Pelny – are open to the public. On Saturday, in turn, you will have the chance to talk to writer Sylwia Chutnik and translators of her books at the Bunkier Cafe.

The 16th of January (Thursday)
7:00 p.m. “Where Europe Begins”. A meeting with Yoko Tawada
Host: Paweł Zarychta
Venue: Villa Decius
Admission free

The 17th of January (Friday)
3:00 p.m. “Translating into Big and Small Languages. Asymmetries” Ryszard Wojnakowski
Venue: The Goethe Institute in Krakow
Admission free

7:00 p.m. Poetry for Pop Music Lovers
Ulrike Almut Sandig (Berlin) and Marlen Pelny (Berlin)
Venue: Alchemia
Admission free

The 18th of January (Saturday)
3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Contemporary German Prose, Newly-Translated
“TransStar Europe” project participants read their translations
Host: Sława Lisiecka
Venue: Czuły Barbarzyńca cafe
Admission free

7:00 p.m. Meeting with Sylwia Chutnik and her translators: Magda Włostowska and Zofia Sucharska
Host: Olaf Kühl
Venue: Bunkier Cafe
Admission free

A detailed programme of the event is available at: www.villa.org.pl

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