
The Walk – Following Czesław Miłosz’s foosteps – photo gallery

On 10 June we made a special Literary Walk as part of the Miłosz Festival. We followed Czesław Miłosz’s footsteps in Krakow, guided by Andrzej Franaszek, a literature expert, a literary critic and an editor at ”Tygodnik Powszechny” , the author of Czesław Miłosz’s biography (Miłosz. Biografia, Wydawnictwo Znak, 2011). We began from a lecture at the Wyspiański Pavilion and finished the walk with a visit to Czesław Miłosz’s apartment in Bogusławskiego Street. Andrzej Franaszek familiarised the participants with the Nobel Prize-winning author not only on the basis of his biography, but also his personal acquaintance with the writer. The special guest, Professor Stanisław Fiut, also talked about the writer. There was also a discussion about the writer’s rich book collection and photographs which could be seen in his flat.

Please register if you are interested in the next walk: ”Poetic song”. For more information click here.

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