
“The Secret Agent” by Conrad on Radio Kraków

The celebration of the Conrad Year continues! This time, the Krakow Festival Office, together with Radio Kraków would like to invite you to one and only “detective story” in the works of Joseph Conrad. The only novel that does not contain exotism and the sea, and the only Conrad’s book set entirely on the territory of England, namely London. Listen to Radio Kraków from 20 November to 5 December!

Some authentic events of 15 February 1894 were the origins of the plot of The Secret Agent, when a bomb was detonated in a park surrounding the Royal Astronomical Observatory in Greenwich. The building was undamaged because the explosive charge exploded in the hands of the terrorist.

On Radio Kraków – The Secret Agent in a new translation by Maciej Świerkocki. The book will be published by Officyna Publishing House in 2018. Juliusz Chrząstowski will be reading some fragments on Radio Kraków. Stay tuned from Monday (20 November) until Friday (1 December) at 11.45 a.m.

The recording was accomplished as part of the Joseph Conrad Year project, in cooperation with the Krakow Festival Office.

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