
Saturday at Miłosz’s. Touring Krakow apartment of the Nobelist

We would like to invite you to take part in a commemorative touring of Czesław Miłosz’s apartment connected with a mini lecture on the Krakow episode of the poet’s life. The host of this truly unique space will be Professor Aleksander Fiut, a great expert on Miłosz’s work and his long-time friend.

After a long period of living in exile, Czesław Miłosz started to consider coming back to Poland permanently at the beginning of the 1990s. Soon after having received Honorary Citizenship of Krakow, in 1993, he bought a flat at 6 Bogusławski Street, in which he at first just spent summer time with his wife Carol. Choosing the former capital city of Poland was not a random decision – he had been living here after the war, having escaped from destroyed Warsaw. He had a group of loyal and devoted friends here and Krakow publishing houses published his consecutive works. The tardy atmosphere of Krakow, among all the other Polish cities, reminded the writer of Vilnius – the city of his youth. Because of his deteriorating health, Miłosz decided to permanently settle in Krakow and spent his last years here. Despite his health problems, it was a really intensive period for him in which he created such works as the Nike-awarded collection of essays Piesek przydrożny (Road-side Dog) or the tome Wyprawa w dwudziestolecie (An Expedition to the Interbellum).

The apartment at Bogusławski Street is the only address preserved after the literary Nobel laureate of 1980 and a unique space, which has practically not been changed since his death. The apartment is occasionally made available for visitors.

Free admission, compulsory registration: spacery@miastoliteratury.pl. Visiting the house takes place only after an e-mail confirmation by the organizer – only registered participants can take part in the tour. Limited number of tickets!

Mieszkanie Miłosza


When: 16 December 2017 (Saturday)
Two rounds: 11.00-12.00, 12.00-13.00

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