In March, literature fans will have an opportunity to swap books on the occasion of the Francophone Month at the French Institute at ul. Stolarska 15. It will be a huge free book swap based on the same rules as previously. Everyone can bring minimum one and maximum ten books. Publications released before 1995 can be exchanged only for books published up to 1995. People who bring new books (published after 1995) are allowed to select from all books, both new and old ones. ATTENTION: only books in French can be exchanged. 19th March, 12.00 a.m.
- Lokator
The bookshop invites you to attend a meeting with Piotr Paziński devoted to his book Rzeczywistość Poprzecierana [Reality Wiped Here And There]. The meeting will be an ideal pretext to meet the author, ask him the questions that bother you in particular and join the conversation hosted by Tomasz Fiałkowski from the Tygodnik Powszechny weekly. 9th March, 7.00 p.m.
- Barakah Theatre and ArtCafe Barakah
You are invited to participate in the detective Dramatorium event, during which we will trace, scent and look for crime perpetrators together with detectives and inspectors. The latest portion of the inspector’s adventures comes from Morte in mare aperto [Death in the Open Sea) – a book by Andrea Camilleri. 10th March, 8.00 p.m.
- Pod Globusem Bookshop
The bookshop invites you to attend an exceptional author’s meeting with Zośka Papużanka – the author of the widely acclaimed debut book Szopka [Farce], which was nominated for the Nike and Polityka Passport Awards. The protagonist of this book is an unexceptional character. He does poorly at school, bites his nails, does not fulfil any ambitions and generally is not good enough to be the protagonist of a novel. During the meeting hosted by Magdalena Miśka-Jackowska, the author will try to explain how to love someone of whom it is easier to be ashamed. 10th March, 6.00 p.m.
- Manor House in Biały Prądnik
The Artistic Salon will organise the promotion of Alicja Zemanek’s poetry book Nikt nie zbiera rajskich jabłuszek [Nobody Collects Crab Apples]. The Salon has been run by Beata Anna Symołon since the very beginning, and its stage has already been occupied by dozens of poets, writers and critics. It was established as a result of the interference of poets’ and artists’ circles in 2010. 14th March, 6.00 p.m.
- Nowa Huta Public Library in Krakow
The Branch no. 9 invites you to a virtual walk entitled‘Londyn pod ręką’ [London Close At Hand].During the meeting, the history of the capital of England, the most important architecture gems and tourist attractions will be presented.The speech will be enriched with a virtual presentation of London, during which we will see the characteristic spots of London.16th March,4.00 p.m.