
A nomination for readingmalopolska.pl

The readingmalopolska.pl portal is competing for Paper Screen 2013 – an award for the best website about books. We were nominated in the FORM category – for the manner of content presentation promoting navigation, ease of use, interactivity, and non-standard graphic and functional form. The final success depends on you – the winner will be determined based on the arithmetic mean of votes cast by the competition’s chapter, its organisers, and Internet users. We will get to know the winner on the 24th of October. We encourage you to vote!

Paper Screen is a prize awarded since 2007 to the best websites that promote books and reading: websites of publishing houses, bookstores, libraries, organisations popularising reading, as well as cultural portals, blogs, and websites run by individuals. The previous winners of include: BiuroLiterackie.pl (2007), artPAPIER.com (2008), Niedoczytania.pl (2009), Ryms.pl (2010), Wywrota.pl (2011), and Xiegarnia.pl (2012).

This year, the Paper Screen will be awarded in two categories: CONTENT (directed to Facebook groups, blogs, fan pages, websites of publishing houses, profiled bookstores, libraries, and cultural portals) and FORM, in which the readingmalopolska.pl portal is nominated, among others.

Just like every year, the Paper Screen competition accompanies the Book Fair in Krakow.

Organisers: the NADwyraz Foundation (www.nadwyraz.pl), the Wydawca monthly (www.wydawca.com.pl)

Partners: Targi w Krakowie, Polish Book Publishers’ Association, Xiegarnia.pl

Sponsors: Wydawnictwo Literackie, Wydawnictwo MG, Wydawnictw Zysk i S-ka, Audioteka.pl, Audiobook.pl, Legimi


The project Literacka Małopolska is co-financed by the European Union as part of the The Malopolska Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013 ERDF.

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