
Meeting with Dorota Masłowska at Villa Decius

On 16th May (Friday) at 5.00 pm the Villa Decius Association invites book lovers  to its Literature Salon. This time we will meet one of the prominent female writers of the young generation – Dorota Masłowska. The meeting devoted to her newest autobiographical novel for adults and children Jak zostałam wiedźmą (How I Became a Witch) will be moderated by Katarzyna Kubisiowska. Admission is free.

The event is organised under the project “SAGA – creativity workshops” addressed to senior citizens who wish to develop their writing talents. The SAGA programme  has been delivered at Villa Decius since 2012, this year beginning from April to continue to mid-June.

Dorota Masłowska – one of prominent Polish writers of the young generation, sometimes  called the enfant terrible of Polish literature. Her first book Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną (White and Red), was known as the “first Polish chav novel”, wining  Jerzy Pilch’s and Marcin Świetlicki’s critical acclaim. Wojna… brought its author the Polityka Passport in the literature and nomination for the Nike Literary Award. The novel has been translated into many European languages. In 2005 Masłowska’s second novel Paw królowej (The Queen’s Peacock) saw print. She received the Nike Award for that novel. In 2006 Masłowska published her debut play Dwoje biednych Rumunów mówiących po polsku (A Couple of Poor, Polish-Speaking Romanians), and in 2008 the next drama Między nami dobrze jest  (It’s OK between us). In 2014 she released her first music album titled Społeczeństwo jest niemiłe (Society Isn’t Nice). This musical manifesto combines elements of rap, punk rock and dancehall music. In May 2014 her autobiographic novel for adults and children  entitled Jak zostałam wiedźmą will see print. In 2005 she received the scholarship from the Villa Decius Association under the  w Homines Urbani programme.

SAGA – Creativity Workshop is an educational programme addressed to senior citizens, aimed at education, integration and active occupation for the elderly. During workshops, seminars, work with text, literary games and literary walks, participants acquire practical skills introducing them to the world of their own literary creation. The creative writing workshop is supplemented by open meetings with writers, lectures on theory of literature and contemporary trends in literature, as well as discussions about contemporary and historical literature. We invite literary critics, authors, journalists, publishers and other professionals. There is also a Saga Club run by volunteers who want to share their knowledge, experience and skills. For more information and texts by participants of the three preceding editions of the project visit our website: www.saga.villa.org.pl.

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